Co-creators of a New Creation – The +Christ Made Manifest

The featured image (top) is copyrighted by Fr. Kenneth J. Nelan. It is part of a shield given to him by his one-time friend, +Brother, and former bishop after his installation as Vicar of the Diocese under his former jurisdiction. Fr. Kenn has since retired the shield but the image remains a permanent part of his charism. We are – co-creators of a created +Creation; aware of our own created-ness and of our participation in the ongoing creation of the +Created. We are not merely beings; we are BEing itself manifest in beings. Created and creating, we wander this sacred …

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Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

Because G*d Is. Yep, Just Is…

“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13, New International Version There is no greater truth than God, the Divine being we claim is responsible for all of Creation, is most assuredly incomprehensible. Some of us have spend our entire lives seeking the Creator in everything we say and do; ever watching for that moment the Creator connects with our own being. The reality, of course, is that we awake enough to realize we have always had that special connection; we simple were never aware of it prior to that moment. In …

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